iv CONTENTS Introduction 1 Part 1: The Evolutionary Context 1. Evolution, fitness and adaptations9 1.1Darwin and natural selection 10 1.2Units of selection: the background12 1.3The ‘Ultra-Darwinist’ perspective14 1.4Fitness and ‘success’17 1.5The ‘Naturalists’ 19 1.6Who is right, and does it matter? 22 1.7Defining a ‘real’ adaptation27 1.8Adaptation, aptation, exaptation or non-adaptive accident? 30 1.9An adaptation? Some tests35 Conclusion 43 Notes 45 2.The origins of the designing brain50 2.1The workings of the brain51 2.2Reflexes, sensations, perceptions and cognition51 2.3The modular brain 52 2.4Domain-neutral modules and ontology55 2.5Modularity: a qualification56 2.6 The Upper Palaeolithic ‘Revolution’: magnitude, timing, location and speed59 2.7Human brain size 62 2.8The neocortex and social relations63 2.9Intentionality and artefacts64 2.10Human brains are social brains66 2.11Kinetic sense and technical pleasure66 2.12‘Thing using’ and cognition68 2.13Tool-making and cognitive advances71 2.14Handaxes as tools 72 2.15Handaxes: aesthetic appraisal and social significance?73 2.16The Handicap Principle74 2.17The handaxe as genetic fitness indicator76 2.18The timing of the emergence of modern human brains77 2.19The origin of the modern mind?79 Conclusion 81 Notes 84 v Part 2:The Attribution of Significance and Meaning to Artefacts 3. The evolutionary origins of aesthetics88 3.1Aesthetic appreciation as an adaptation89 3.2Pleasure is adaptive90 3.3The method used here: a contrary view91 3.4Perceptual biases: contexts and hierarchy95 3.5Symmetry 97 3.6Proportion 99 3.7The Golden Section101 3.8‘Natural economy’ and human designing: some caveats102 3.9Patterns which excite104 3.10Patterns (and regularity, uniformity and smoothness) which soothe106 3.11Shininess, glossiness, and glitter107 3.12The case for evolved colour perceptions109 3.13The naming of colours112 3.14The case for black, white and red in artefacts114 3.15Green, yellow, and other combinations115 3.16Colour can arise by default115 3.17Colour: an alternative, adaptive mechanism116 3.18The uses of colour today: an uneven adaptive legacy119 3.19Economics: prehistory and history119 3.20Costs and benefits 121 3.21The watering pot 122 3.22The wood screw 126 Conclusion 127 Notes 129 4. Artefacts, symbolism and narrative134 4.1Symbolic thought, artefacts and language: origins and links135 4.2 Mime and gesture 136 4.3 Language: a utilitarian or a social adaptation? 138 4.4 Archaeology confirms a complex picture139 4.5 Consciousness, language and artefacts141 4.6 Artefacts as thinking143 4.7 The consequences for artefacts of this alternative view of language143 4.8 Social contracts, myth and ritual144 4.9 Our brains are evolved to create stories146 4.10 Myth and utility 146 4.11 Evolutionary literary criticism148 4.12 Language as artefact: the written word149 4.13 Inclusive fitness 150 4.14 What can artefacts do at the symbolic level?153 4.15 Symbolic meaning is flexible154 4.16 Sensory-kinetic-affective data informs attributions of symbolic meaning154 4.17 The importance of style: Part 1155 4.18 A model for detecting adaptive value in symbolic meaning156 4.19 The scarab 157 4.20 The denarius 161 4.21 The Ardabil Carpet165 Conclusion 170 Notes 172 vi Part 3: The Theoretical Model 5. How humans engage with artefacts: a provisional model179 5. 5.1Shortcomings of Miller’s position179 5.2Shortcomings of Voland’s position185 5.3A short thought experiment187 5.4 An evolutionary chronology188 5.5 Chronology informs functions192 5.6 The disadvantages of social mediation by behaviour and by language193 5.7 The origins of style194 5.8 The importance of style: Part 2196 5.9 The consequence for the makers of artefacts198 5.10 The consequences for those appraising199 5.11 The content of tacit social intelligence200 5.12 The roles of artefacts remote from their makers201 5.13 The roles of artefacts remote from their original social contexts202 5.14 Deception and detection203 5.15 Artefacts created by means other than individual craft manufacture204 5.16 Artefacts are embodiments of ways of life206 5.17 The model 207 5.18 The non-linear operation of this linear model208 5.19 The model: some difficulties209 5.20 A case study: my Apple iBook laptop computer210 Conclusion 226 Notes 232 6. Consequences 235 6.1 Integrating natural and sexual selection235 6.2 ‘Costly signal systems’ and ‘tacit social intelligence value’ can coincide238 6.3 Surface as a function of cost239 6.4 Surface as a function of tacit social intelligence241 6.5 A contemporary example: shiny motor cars242 6.6 A partial definition of beauty in artefacts243 6.7 The natural as artificial: or a partial definition of beauty in nature244 6.8 Why some things make the hair stand up on the back of your neck246 6.9 This model (and others) as tests of existing theory248 6.10 A theoretical case study: Barthes’ semiology249 6.11 Evolutionary theory and post-modernism254 6.12 The consequences for designers and their education255 6.13 Re-instating the physical and the sensory in design practice257 6.14 Confirming the value of intuition258 6.15 Evolution, culture and change260 6.16 Is the model a suite of genuine adaptations?265 6.17 A summary of findings266 6.18 Some concluding remarks273 Notes 275 Illustrations 278 Bibliography 315 Webography 323 vii List of illustrations fig. 1An Egyptian scarab: 1570 BC – 1298 BC (18 th Dynasty)278 fig. 2This denarius is a medium-value silver coin279 fig. 3The so-called Ardabil Carpet280 fig. 4Detail of the Ardabil Carpet281 fig. 5An English seventeenth-century watering-pot282 fig. 6A late twentieth-century wood screw283 fig. 7Even when we know the body of the BMW Z4284 fig. 8The Müller Lyer Illusion285 fig. 9The earliest archaeological evidence of tools286 fig. 10We are all descended from ‘social’ engineers287 fig. 11The puzzle of Acheulian handaxes288 fig. 12The Furze Platt Giant289 fig. 13Things created reveal, predict and define behaviour290 fig. 14Pattern as a by-product of process291 fig. 15Most of the things we create are smooth and symmetrical292 fig. 16Darwin wrote in The Origin of Species293 fig. 17As these everyday examples show294 fig. 18Red is still routinely used295 fig. 19Green is one of the most ubiquitous colours on the planet296 fig. 20A commonplace example of evolved aesthetics297 fig. 21‘Yellow is the colour of joy!’298 fig. 22Dennett has argued299 fig. 23Artefacts physically embody accumulations of behaviour300 fig. 24The nail in this 17 th century German reliquary301 viii fig. 25My Apple iBook laptop computer302 fig. 26The visible ‘dots’303 fig. 27The symmetries and carefully-organised proportional relations304 fig. 28In terms of pattern305 fig. 29Regular pattern306 fig. 30The Apple logo 307 fig. 31Curvy Nature 308 fig. 32By 1998 the cases of computers309 fig. 33Among the references to technology in the iBook310 fig. 34The accumulated dirt on the mouse pad311 fig. 35The cracked handle…312 fig. 36Natural ‘beauty’ often equates with ‘well-made’313 fig. 37Roland Barthes’ analysis of the Citroën DS 19314 Table Table 1. A putative sequence for the emergence of adaptive colour recognition among humans and their ancestors, arrived at by considering the naming of colours in 98 languages. Originally included in Berlin and Kay’s study, Basic Colour Terms in 1964; reproduced in Barrow’s The Artful Universe in 1995. 112 ix Acknowledgements In preparing this study, I am deeply indebted to Professor Philip Hussey and Professor Trevor Hussey, my supervisors, both of whom have, in different ways, extended towards me exactly the kind of friendly encouragement combined with rigorous, diligent, knowledgeable critical comment which could serve as a model to any student in my position. I might add, they have each added immeasurably to the pleasure of the undertaking. Two decades of intelligent conversation at the dinner table of John Steer (often selflessly and generously provisioned by his partner, Peter Chapman) has undoubtedly led my mind into lines of inquiry it might otherwise have neglected. Professor Gillian Naylor, the Design Historian, was instrumental in encouraging me not to be deterred in pursuing these ideas when first I aired them in 1996. Professor Roger Newport directed me towards the paper by F. T. Evans, which proved a catalyst for much that has found its way into what follows. For helpful criticism on numerous occasions, I am grateful to my colleagues, Dr. Diana Medlicott, Dr. Reg Winfield, Dr. Paul Springer and Damon Taylor. For helping me cope with the idiocies of computers, I must thank my friend, John Lacey. For seeing me through some of the attendant administrative jungle by means of patient help and advice, I am much obliged to Karine Bloor, Dr. Anne Evans and Howard Bush from the Academic Registry of Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College (BCUC). I am also grateful to BCUC for supporting my attendance at the conference ‘Mind the Map’ in Istanbul in 2002, where I presented an interim paper; and for enabling me to take a sabbatical semester during which much of this work was written. Finally, I cannot repay the debt I owe to my generous, long-suffering partner, Jerome Farrell, who has not only meticulously copy- edited the text for me (through several drafts), but listened to my endless reflections of this study, supported me when it has been going well (and when it has not) and without whose patience, love and encouragement, I doubt it would ever have been finished. x Author’s declaration The material included here which relates to a seventeenth-century English earthenware watering pot was originally submitted as an essay in 1988 in connection with my studies on a course run jointly by the Royal College of Art and the Victoria & Albert Museum, leading to the award of MA (RCA) Design History.