Results of anonymous questionnaire on Lighting DVD October 2009 Two sections from the Lighting DVD were shown to level 5 students as a refresher on lighting. Lights & Power (2 ? mins) This was a new section that they had not seen before. It covered some things they had been taught at level 4. 22 students returned questionnaires. Negative responses Positive Responses Narrator is patronising (3) Narrator is clear (2) Didn`t like Music/not appropriate (5) Liked music (2) Too short, explain more (2) Short & to the point (7) Repeat points, summarise (2) How info was presented, bite sized chunks ( 3) More info & tips (3) Informative (5) Make slower (2) Simple & clear (6) Lighting for Movement (8 ? mins) They had seen this section last year. Again it covered only some of the things taught at level 4 (effectively it covered one lesson from level 4). The feedback is split into 2 groups as unfortunately the first group saw a copy that had sound out of sync with picture. Group 1 (sound out of sync) (11 responses) Negative responses Positive Responses Too fast (3) Humorous (3) Too slow (1) Informative (3) Too long (3) Good shots (2) Hard to follow (3) Music (1) Too much info in one go (1) Audio out of sync (4) Group 2 (11 responses) Negative responses Positive Responses Trying to be too funny (2) Humour (4) Too fast (1) Clear layout/easy to understand (3) A lot to take in (1) Freeze frame comparisons (3) Music (2) Showing 4th light (2) Conclusions The audio sync mistake seems to have made that section harder to understand. Overall music is disliked, more so on Light & Power where it was simply placed as temporary music. It is intended to change all the music with funding given, and have music that is specially written for this programme by a music student (i.e. some-one of a similar age to the target audience). On balance, the narration for the Lights & Power section is felt to be patronising. This was recorded at speed last year, so will be re-recorded. On balance humour is liked. We need to be careful not to overdo this. Freeze frame comparisons are liked & will be used in other sections. We will consider whether Lighting for Movement should be subdivided into two sections, or whether information given should be reduced to make it shorter Results of anonymous questionnaire on Lighting DVD April 2010 6 sections from the Lighting DVD were shown to level 4 students as part of their teaching on lighting. Some students have done some lighting on previous course, and some have not. 30 students returned feedback. Sections viewed - Lights & Power, Power on Location, Assembling Lights, Setting Lights, Safety Tips, Lights & Aperture Negative responses Positive Responses Narrator annoying (1) Liked Voiceover (1) Didn`t like soundtrack (2) Play music over silent parts (1) Liked soundtrack (1) Cover more on how to light scenes & what different lights do (NB: from people who had found the information in the DVD useful) (3) Not too long, to the point (6) Too slow (3) - shorter pauses between points Slow paced & easy to follow (2) Too simple in places (3) Simple, useful for beginners (5) A little patronising in places (1) Simple & clear (6) Make more in depth (2) Informative (7) Clear simple editing (2) Use a presenter (2) to engage audience No presenter, got on with it (1) Cheesy humour (3) Comic in parts (1) Let it run. Don?t return to menu after each section (4) Longer sections (1) Conclusions Generally students seemed to like the fact that it is to the point. Quite a lot found it useful & informative, especially on safety. We think that the fact that some students liked the simplicity & some didn?t reflects the different range of experience. As this is intended for beginners & to be the very first thing they would learn, we should keep it simple. Even though 2 students felt it should have a presenter, I think this would make the whole thing slower & less to the point (recognised by another student), so this won?t be changed. Humour on balance isn?t liked & will be removed. Different opinions on pace, but on balance, I think pace could be a tiny bit faster in places ? shorter pauses between points. We will put sections together so it runs as one video, but provide scene selection for the different sections. We will record a different narrator for some sections to provide variety. We will look & amend anything in the voiceover that could be patronising. Lighting For Movement April 2010 Negative responses Positive Responses Music (10) Jolly music (5) Slightly cheesy (2) Some comedy good, some forced (1) End - `better actor` cheesy (1) Slightly comic (5) Cheesy jokes (1) Light hearted (but slightly cheesy at times (1) Bright & bubbly (1) Narrator (2) (Bit patronising 1, hold back laughter 1) Informative (7) Helpful & not boring (1) More in-depth explanation (1) Not over-complicated (2) Less cluttered set cos hard to see where lights were (1) Easy to understand (5) Text effects bit basic (1) Comparisons really helpful (2) Unhappy Technician (2) Studenty (1) Explained every shot & the lighting (1) Suggested Changes Show difference of different F stops to stress importance (1) Talk about how light changes if there was a long pan shot (1) More on lighting movement that`s continuous (1) Conclusions The length of this section no longer seems to be a problem This group confirms on balance that we should change the music as this was the thing most commented upon. Hopefully new music will be better liked, though we probably can`t please everyone. This confirms our earlier findings that on balance humour is liked, but we need to be careful not to overdo this, and freeze frame comparisons are liked & will be used in other sections. Suggested Changes A good idea to show the difference of different F stops. We might look at emphasising this point in a different section. I think the last 2 suggested changes are making the same point ? how do you deal with some sort of long movement. This would be something to put in to another section.